What Being Saved Means and Obedience
Jan 7th 2025 by Cameron Edwards
This capitalizes on the topic of What is The Rapture and is it Real?
Being saved is something many people have no real understanding of and the severity of the conditions that come with what being saved means. Many religions are formed around the declassification of Jesus being lord or God and try and go straight to the father in their works to be justified as righteous and think that being saved is what is wrong with the Christian beliefs and neglecting to acknowledge or become educated in the truth in the matter.
This is a big part in the ignorance in the world that is only fulfilling why the second coming of Christ is real and why it is significant to the prophesy that is becoming more close as the months and years are advancing to eliminate Jesus Christ from our society and beliefs while everything else has almost advanced to set the stage for the Anti Christ to rise in power. The signs are clear.
To be saved is not to just say I believe in Jesus and thank you for the kind deed on my salvation and continue to act in disobedience in your life, not turning away from sin and taking part of it in others or contributing to it your self.
Many people who believe in Jesus want to think of Jesus as the saviour, but then want to redefine him as not the Lord or change the definition of what Lord represents by their own beliefs, who God is to them and their own design or who Jesus is by his love but not commandments and the fathers will or make up our own beliefs as to what the universe is to them and so on.
To follow Jesus and be saved is actually to be obedient to him and this is why Repenting is a real purpose in this.
When you truly receive Jesus is when you start to follow him in truth of right and wrong and repent which means to turn away from SIN and become obedient to Jesus. This is when you give your heart to him and surrender your will and let him lead your life. When you go off path and your compass strays a bit from him and towards SIN, then acknowledging this and correcting your path by adjusting your compass to point to him is what the narrow road to life is and as it is said, few find it.
Why is this important?
The best way to define how important this is and what being saved actually means is to put in perspective of the End Times and why some Christians will be rapture (Saved from the tribulation of the Anti Christ) and why some will not be raptured.
This all has to do with obedience and truly following Christ Jesus, because those who say they believe in him and are continuing to live a life of sin, will not be Raptured. (Everything you see in SIN and disobedience of God or an ungodliness is the spirit of Satan working his will through this world)
Those who live according to Satans will will not be raptured even if you think you are a Christian.
And this is Why!
Because you are living and leading a life of SIN which is why the whole world is heading towards the Anti Christ, because it is people who are living in SIN that are leading it there! The full conclusion of this and consequence is when the enemy will rise. (Satan him self) He will control the world economic system to make it a God like obedience to worship him, by delivering you all your desires by worldly pleasures to all your SIN and he black male in this will be to take the mark or chip to the system. He can't force you and he won't have to for the majority as the temptation and deception of appeasing to all your desires will be more than enough to hand over your will to accept. Many will be lining up to it like it is the new star wars film or new un seen series of the iphone, but this will be better! MUCH BETTER!
Like God doesn't force you to love him and be obedient to him, Satan won't be able to force you to take the mark, which will be likely an A.I. neuralink chip to the entire internet and system of control. Those who accept this will likely have giving control to Satan over them and they will be used as pawns to lead others into this by others seeing how awesome their lives are by getting instant access to all their worldly dreams, desires, drug like satisfaction, porn in the firm of in the brain VR experience where you can see it and feel it as if it is real around you. Think about this. How does a drug affect you? In your senses of your brain. So don't think this is all sci fi fantasy that is way out in space to be real.
Everything wrong with the world is because of people rejecting Christ and living for their SIN, which is against God and thus is subjected to his judgment. Those who are alive and are not real Christians and everyone else not in Christ will be subject to his judgment and not saved from this ultimate time of coming judgment on the world.
Jesus says, those who try to save their lives will lose it, but those who lose their lives for my sake will save it.
Right now Jesus is the gift of grace and patience for us to repent and turn to Jesus and follow him.
We will lose our lives to God one of three ways.
1) By taking this free gift and coming to Jesus and following him and repenting of our sins. Or if you don't and when we die, we will be judged of our lives and this is like leaving the decision up to God to judge us right, and that may not go very well for many. This is why you don't want to wait to see what happens as Jesus may convict you of your sins and say depart from me, I never knew you. (Does he know you the way you want him to know you like a close loving friend?) How many people did you lead to Christ or away from him in your disobedience of God? You are really putting your eternal life on the line this way.
2) If you are alive when the rapture takes place and miss it entering tribulation, you are up against a serious test to lose your life for God. This is going to be a time where all godly true believers the true church will be raptured and all ungodly or disobedient Christians will be left behind.
Do you think this is going to be easy now to turn and repent and lose your life for God?
Not even a tad bit and this is where not losing your life for Jesus now, which is the easy way is going to bear the reality of true consequences.
Now you are up against selfish entitled, ego driven, self desired people who don't believe in God, those who follow self cultured religions, who don't warship Christ, that think they are blessed from wealth, money and power in their selfishness. Fake Christians will be apart of this who may turn away from God, because they lead a fake gospel of a Jesus, that loved and allowed all their sins to be advanced, while shunning true bible believing church going evangelist Christians.
Either some of these Christians will repent or they will follow what they always followed was the unrighteous and grow a hard heart against Jesus or God and think God is hurting them and seek acceptance with other unrighteous people, growing a force against anyone who sees what this time is for what it is and turns. This is going to be the reality of how much people in the world who don't accept Jesus of are already his enemy. They are going to hate him more or think that God is doing this to them rather than accept that it is their SIN doing this to them by not repenting. REPENTING is the only way to be saved!
This is all setting the stage for Satan to rise, not as a demon like figure, but as a world charismatic economic leader who will bring in the system of obedience and all control of Man kind to invoke a world global system of God like control and obedience to be able to participate in the economy.
3) This leader is going to sell this like a personality like Obama and many are going to line up for it because it will be a system that will meet every desire and obedience of the law, like a God like system. And also the A.I. technology will be developed with Nuera Link Brain Chip direct internet VR like experience where you can effortlessly access all desires, feelings, and enjoy all pleasers and VIP access to everything with money as mentioned already in this article.
Everyone will be warned not to take this. But as we already seen during covid as a foreshadow, what will you have to lose and put on the line to say no... It is going to be almost impossible for many in this stage of complete selfishness and those who repent and say no are going to be in refuge avoiding death by the system and those in the system.
This is why repenting is a real thing Jesus taught, and he even had to repent as he was surrounded by total unrighteousness everywhere that in his mind he repented. It is not like he didn't know what sin was as if he was completely blind to it. His repenting is why he was raised from the dead as righteous in an unrighteous world of SIN. The rapture is the same significance for us sinners and why Jesus is the Way, the Life and the Truth, is Lord not just Saviour and is the ultimate judge and authority of life.
To turn away from this time of ungodliness will require repentance and the cost of it then will be to hide and live in refuge until Jesus comes back to defeat the Anti Christ (Satan) and all his enemies.
The other way you lose your life to God is by taking the mark of the beast which is what the Anti Christ will be giving you if you accept it to be apart of this world economic system. This is likely the chip in the brain. If you do this then you have sold your soul to the devil and thus to eternal separation from God and hell.
Many will resort to the world system to save them, but this is all in essence what this world is not going to do for us but Jesus Christ does for us. (AKA GOD!!)
How many people do you know that are living in deep SIN? How many people do you know that reject God and think it is a joke and mock at him or at the idea they don't need God. Really you don't need God? Think about that reality for a minute on what is just said here. The one who created you and everything and is in control of the universe and there is no way around him an eternal God who already knows the future. It is up to you to surrender to him on your will as there is no alternative way but to end up in hell by your own choice and will one way or another. You will not be forced to chose hell.
When is that choice going to be made?
Ask your self are you truly saved? Or do you fit in one of the unsaved disobedience categories or rejection of Christ Jesus.
Would you be raptured if this day came in your lifetime?
Because we are heading towards it at an ever growing speed, exponentially as technology is completing this process and the true prophesy of the revelation of Jesus Christ is becoming visible. The only reason why this 2nd coming of Christ has to happen is because of how many non-repenting, unbelieving, self righteous, false religion entities are growing that are a counterfeit of Jesus Christ, developing a false god believing direction, removing and persecuting Gods children of Jesus Christ.
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