How Satan Works in This World to Lie, Steal, Cheat and Destroy

Let's start off with some bible scripture as a segway the direction of how Satan works. I pick different translation versions of the quotes the way I like how it is said.

Corinthians 11:14
Satan masquerades as an angel of light?

Ephesians 2:2
Satan is prince of the power of the air

1 Peter 5-8
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

John 10:10
The Devil Comes to Steal, Kill, and Destroy

Other Things I Came To Realization

Satan Will Show Up to Destroy What God is About To Bless. (Why being sober minded and steadfast is so important to resist and turn away from the turbulence you may face and remain in Christ with your faith and PRAY!)

Which concludes the coincidence quote from Pastor Mark Driscoll from Real Faith Online and Trinity Church in Scottsdale Arizona. He says often and I have seen this in my life often: "What Got Creates, Satan Counterfeits"

How the Enemy Works His Goal

The real goal of the enemy is to have us not truly believe in Christ. If we are not truly in Christ then Christ is not in us and thus we do not have the holy spirt in us to guide and convict us to protect. Therefore we do not have our lives pointed towards Jesus, his works and what his will is for us. Just for your information, his will for us comes with a beautiful blessing and fulfills our true purpose with utter Joy.

This leads us into how Satan Lies, Cheats, Steals and Destroy by using us as his puppets to perform his will and not Gods.

People who are performing the enemies will or works can be of those who go to church and call them selves christians of catholics. These people are the true danger to the true believer. And when you become a true believer in Christ doesn't mean you are at your utmost level of wisdom and can be on that growth journey why it is so important to follow Jesus and his will for us and what he says in the bible!!

If a Christian wants to warship, but doesn't want to follow the will of God, they are not Christian. And many Catholics say they are not Christians. This is very evident from how many of them do not follow remotely the bible and what it teaches. (Wisdom of Gods will for us) or do many of them even have a bible or read one.

In some cases I have had Catholics reject Christ in their daily life, who go to church, like they know nothing of him when I glorify God with them and they actually freak out and get very angry. This is a problem, if you can see how and why the enemy loves this kind of person.

This kind of person does not have Christ in them. Nor do they love and glorify Christ in their heart. They have a hardened heart for Christ and that is because their lives do not follow Jesus. The problem here is they may go to church, have prayer mats, have crosses, but if they don't have Jesus in their heart, mind and soul and reject him in the works of their lives, then they are worshiping something else that pertains to their sin.

These people do not have your best interest at heart at the end of the day and they will destroy your life, if the circumstances happen or they just care so much about them selves, that they become bored of you and not take you with them on a real growth journey. This is how Satan works and lures a believer into being with someone who can look like a Godly person, but is truly not. When we are young in our faith, we can be fooled by the true extent of their faith and what it truly means for a believer.

If the person is open to receiving Christ, then it is a different story. But for the ones who turn away from it, that go to church then there is a massive problem. It is important at some point in a relationship that both of you become Godly and born again believers of a level where your heart is glorified by Gods presence (holy spirit) and it is something you feel the joy of in your life every day, and remaining faithful to God is apart of your journey, Catholic or Christian.

In relationships where one is not a real believer, there are signs. How someone cares about you or not, resolves problems with you or not. Lies or not, lives in denial or is truthful of them selves and their intentions. If they are mature or not and so on.

When things are shaky and hard to understand and a form of a true trustworthy framework is being compromised and communication is not working well, this is the frame work of why it is important to have an evangelical relationship. The circle of trust is the protection with your partner as the world is Sinful and your relationship is a covenant you want to protect with strength and that strength comes from GOD!

When you create shaky grounds with trust and each other, the enemy knows how to use this to break the one he wants by using the one who is not true in Christ against the believer. If this is a problem and you care enough about each other I AM SAYING THIS NOW.... GROW UP GET REAL AND MATURE TO COMMUNICATE WITH LOVE, CARE AND CONSIDERATION. Being in Christ is about being mature and a time to grow up and get real and let truth lead you to the way to unlock the things you do not understand. There are a ton of good pastures and my faith here alone is a testimony to this.

This brings us to the topic how Satan is the Prince of the Power of Air and how he is a Roaring Like A Lion Looking for Someone to Devour. Oh yeah it is true! Don't wait until he has your life isolated, feeling condemned and not knowing anywhere or anyone to turn to. (You can turn to God and count on him, and have patience.)

Once trust is compromised or uncertainty begins to take hold of a relationship, Satan has the ability to use worldly things to strengthen his goals. This is how I learned that God is in control of the universe but Satan has the ability to manipulate worldly things and as you can imagine, technology is one of those things. Just remember though God gives Satan a level of operation in this world, but God arms us with the bible and the bible is like a sword against the enemy.

I didn't understand this and thought God would never let Satan have control of such a thing... Ahhh Satan is going to be the one in control of it all in the tribulation. I was a fool for this or more so unwise to know it until I realized God is in control of the universe, all time and events and of course anything for that matter. But this is how God shows us who he is... What Satan has no power or control of!

Sadly we can learn the hard way before we follow the bible and truly come into following Jesus even as Born Again baptized believers, when we are new in our faith. The consequences can be catastrophic, but this brings us into Gods will and to have enough hurt to build the wisdom to follow God and see his will become a blessing to our divine purpose. That is what Satan wants to destroy and take away from you.

This is why we are truly up against a spiritual battle as true believers. Satan attacks believers not anyone else. Everyone else is on his team, essentially we are all condemned until we come into Christ. That is why he is the saviour, redeemer and our lord, which is why Born Again is a real important growth step and transformation. The sooner you can get to this level and follow in Gods will, the sooner you will see God bring your true purpose to life.

What is the worst is if you fail to hold strong and mess up and fail into the pit falls of Satans works (Traps) as a believer (or not a believer- this either makes you go against God more or get closer to him - God uses Satan for his will of good.). This is how Satan compromises your credibility and takes non true believers and if they do not have a heart of gold of true love, will compromise you and use your failure as their plea to being a victim with their friends.

Typically these people have a lot of friends that go to church that are a mix of believers or like them. The problem is this is how Satan gets a grip on your life, isolates you, turns people with credibility against you, while the person uses a false credibility to these friends as being good, hiding their true nature and faults behind yours and hides your life from yours, even if they associate with you or you hold on to them for hope by making love to them. This is a dark road, that can rip your heart into shreds.

This is how Satan masquerades as an angel of light.

This is why it is important that both of you are Godly or the one is working on it with you to come into faith and grow into it and is one who works with you to grow if you fell as a believer in higher faith. This should be a joint love effort and it should feel real. Once that person buries you alive in darkness, they use you as they please or damage you more, while you are the true light embracing the life, of Christ. This is just a terrible place to be and how the enemy isolates you from who you truly are.

That is also what satan doesn't want to happen as that is the power of God.

Satan performs works in this world mainly by non believers in Christ or those who are not born again and are not repenting to follow Christ more from their mistakes, ones who are not falling in love with Jesus and understand his works and how it applies not to just them, but the our prosperity for everyone.

The devil is about selfishness, greed, lying, denial, deceiving, pride, stealing and cheating and living in a self illusion of false truth. He is about stealing away the identity we can have in Christ, the gift of Christ that we can share with others. He wants to tear down and destroy and that is by making you the most important person above all others, not making you important by making others just as important or raising them up above your self, healing their wounds, protecting them and bringing the light of who they truly are out, growing each other!

This is why Jesus says "truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again" (John 3:3)

To be born again is to put to death your old life and turn to Jesus and follow and live for him. Which is hard for people in this world to do because as Jesus says, "Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it" (Mathew 10:39) Trust me I come to understand why this is so true. There is no loss though once you realize what you gain in love, joy, and blessings from our eternal God and he wants to share his kingdom with us for eternity.

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mather 16:26)

It is one thing to admit the truth and honestly say I break parts of it and I know why I am wrong and understand what you are breaking and why and the role of being Christian is important to know where your morals and values are and how they are meant to help this world, your friends and your relationship and lead your to Gods blessing...

The moral here is if you are not in Christ and even reject it in forms of will and alter the truth for your own reality and live in that denial and support this world in its entirety of denial... You are performing the will of the devil by and can cause a lot of damage to others, or your self. Even if you don't know why.

This is how the world has become the way it is today in all its from of abominations, where right is wrong and wrong is absolutely right and this is how the devil is gaining control and rising to the end times and how it can snare you and steal your life and guide you into his will and purpose to keep you away from god and experiencing eternal glory in life. Be careful! You may not end up becoming like those who are all the things that are of not God. If you are like that is me... Think about this and the calling to turn away and come to God.

God has a beautiful blessing for you and when you become steadfast agains the enemy and his tricks and stay away from others who live for the devils will, that can snare you away from God, then the blessing that God has will materialize. Just be sober minded (Aware) Steadfast (Stay the hell away) when Satan shows up to counterfeit and steal it away. He will show up when you are at your most vulnerable and at brink of your ultimate strength.

How Does Satan Counterfeit?

I just seen a book called Why Christianity Makes Me Sound Like An Idiot. Why I left religion...

This is Satan being a counterfeit and masquerading as an angel of light.

What he does is make it look appealing to Christians to drop their faith, like he is helping you in life to become better, by using the bible and aspects of it that sound cruel and against our tree hugging millennial hippies. (Sorry I don't have a way of describing the nature of this world now who lack the knowledge of history and what things mean and why) What really is going on here is the world is already heavily antichrist and already support this while this book is appealing to Christians who are weak in their faith looking for an excuse to turn away and many Christians as well who dropped their faith.

This is a bandwagon against God him self and this person will suffer greatly for his works. He is the example of For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mathew 16:26)

People will act like your friend then undermine you later or stab you behind your back to prop them selves up. They may even exclude you from their parade of self glory and use you to isolate your importance to bring them up to others, and you are not. That is the works of the enemy!

Well we don't want to anything to do with that anyway, because this is typically sinful nature the person is casting on everyone of his life like he is awesome. This is how Satan works against believers to lift him self up and bring others into the dark realm and/or keep them there.

Don't worry God places people where he needs them and if you follow his will and stay steadfast and remain and grow your faith, he will surprise you of the purpose he has for you and he will not let you down.

Let's praise the Lord!]


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