Why the World is the Way it is Today (How Satan Blinds Us from God)

Adam and Eve

The topic about Adam and Eve is it Real a Perfect World with God? is one that begins with the idea God created all things perfect to begin with.

Continuing with this topic is to understand God is Righteous, Just, Holy and only can be. God can't lie to him self. That would be ridiculous because he is everything and is all things of the highest measure. If he did lie, he would no be God and would not have the power of Glory he does, or neither would Jesus. This is what Satan is and why the world we see it is the way it is.

How Satan Blinds Us From God

What is Satan? The lie? What is the lie? It is a form of denial. What is denial? It is a set of false values we create within our selves to convince that we are not wrong justifying the actions we are doing that we will not face in truth.

What are these actions that we are doing that are based on denial? They lead to SIN and SIN is deceit (Deceiving) or Deceit will lead to Sinful actions. They work hand in hand. These lies are justified by your set of false beliefs called denial, which is in some way or form of you telling your self, that you can handle both sides of the equation and still be righteous and stay on the rails and not fall victim to the door you are leaving open to SIN. (Or be in the right and handle it) I have to say, you are LYING TO YOUR SELF. And when you lie to your self, you are building a path to destruction that will inevitably happen and ruin something very valuable to you in your life.

The only way to stay in the right is to remove all potential SIN that can be removed from your life and provide barriers and protections in place so that it keeps you honest. You may have the best of intentions and think this sounds silly. It doesn't take much to bend a set of values and principal thinking to justify a wrong path to dip the first toe in and you are well on your way to exactly what was just described. The world is severely wrong for a reason and it is because of the way we deceive our own selves with the denial and lie, by dipping the toe in the water testing the ripple of the ring.

As you become more faithful, you will begin to see how everything traces back to Adam and Eve and that everything froward advances in evidence to Jesus and why the events and Sins come from this time. So it is safe to say we are not capable of handling Gods power of righteousness and even as we grow in faith and try and abide in Jesus 100% it is not easy to not slip off track. But it does get easier after some struggle for sure. Eventually the good things come. Life is a challenge, living by a decent level of Gods standard is simple by terms but not easy.

My View of the Evangelistic World (It may or may not fit everyones, but this is why Jesus forgives us)

Once you understand this, you will see the world for what it is and understand once you see the denial, deceit the lie that you will understand that this is Satan. Once you can see Satan, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SEE GOD! (TRUTH) Where all the wrong in the world is in life as you see it. This is Satan and why Satan is running the show ramped ever more ramped, blinding us with false truth and beliefs.

Jesus loves us all, the sinners, not the Sin, and forgives us for it all for those who have faith in him. Many people don't believe in God, because they can't get their head around the law of the Father and the forgiveness of Jesus and the love that bonds them as the pathway to us and back to the Father. (I hope you can see the truth developing why Jesus is a trinity in this absolute truth and why this world blinds us from known him, and causing a massive rejection of him, or lack of understanding or false religions)

This world today is a domino effect from Adam and Eve in Sin. And God will correct it. If your faith has not sparked a light, when it does, the world changes to you and you will see it as why God is in control of this place and why Jesus must come and will restore it. You will begin to see the world as sacred, and life. Soon you will not be able to convince your self of the lies, because you will lead further into faith with how the truth is evident or the power of God is infinite! (That is because existence can't choose to just not exist if it is established in all glory and power, that is God!)

If you understand what is the destruction of this world and that existence is God in all truth, then something who mediates us (Aka Jesus) is the end of the lies and restoring every to right. Do you really think God would be God if he wasn't going to do that. Come on now!!! You can help in your own life and that is what God wants you to do to experience happiness. But we are not god or will ever be gods. There is only one God and he is the ultimate one who we worship for this in the end. The lesson he teaches from the article of Adam and Eve is it Real, a Perfect World with God?

Now there may be more to the story. How big your heart is, how much you love, how humble you are and forgiving and where you draw the line to not cross in command. But that is a story for the next to find out.

Now when you understand this, you can see why we need Jesus on this earth and why the tribulation in the book of revelation is going to happen. Someone is in control of this place and it sure the heck is not us. Who is going to defeat the lie / satan? God! Who is God? The Trinity and that is why Jesus is Lord, title holder of this earth. He dies and paid the price for all of us and is why he is the Son of God. Shall we say thank you Jesus and Amen! (That is God's Love and He Loves Us Very Much)

Obviously it is hard for any of us in this time to understand Adam and Eve and if we can't have faith in anything then that is the darkness that will blind us from ever having faith in God. This is a test its self. As our faith builds you will be tested on your faith to stay strong and believe in God and see the message he is giving you. The biggest is trust in him, and not let fear, anger and anything else hold you prisoner. Have a light of heart, have fun with it if it's an embarrassment and laugh with God, he gives you the power!

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Just in case the story of Adam and Eve is unfamiliar to you a brief recap is that Adam was the first man God created as a servant to the earth. God was intact with him. God gave him a partner named Eve. She betrayed the command of God by eating from the forbidden tree and Adam defended her. Because both of them didn't confess their SIN or take accountability for their mistake and hid from God nor did they ask for Gods forgiveness sending the command of blame down the tree, SIN was introduced and the separation from God had to happen.

We might think God is mean, but the reality we need to understand is God is Just and he has a set of laws that even he must follow and that this is a lesson that in the end will reveal his ultimate love for us by us having faith in him for all our faults - can you see how this works if you put your self in that position in your life and see how mean we are in this life actually? If we continued to let our kids know we can let them do wrong... what are they going to do... Not RESPECT YOU!! This is why following Gods / Jesus teachings is the way to a truly happy life.

If this is hard to understand, just know it had to happen because the world was no longer perfect and God being 100% pure and holy cannot be in the presence of SIN or a better way to put this SIN cannot be in the presence of GOD. That is why the world is the way it is today in a nut shell. But it is the not the end of the story!

Also understand God gave us life and he didn't have to create the universe for us and send his Son to pay the ultimate price for our faults to be with him for eternity, those who will have faith in Jesus as our saviour. (This is where most people hold a grudge and can't get past it or just may not understand why... It's God okay!! And this is where many religions have issues accepting, trying to by pass this, but there is no by passing this, it is a gift from God of Salvation for our faults, which God knew were to be to create all this. God can't let us be at fault without being accountable for it in the end and showing us his love of forgiveness and why the lie and deceit and betrayal is what killed Jesus. Think of that one! Thats the lesson and why we will respect his command and warship him in eternity)

When SIN first came unto the earth God was still a known entity. Actually through the Old Testament the works of God was whiteness by him taking actions on earth and appearing to various Prophets. As you can imagine God would have been something Adam and Eve believed in 100% regardless of the SIN that was brought into the world by them.

Sin at this time was minimal and likely they learned a huge lesson from it being casted out of the Garden of Eden. Cain and Abel their Sons was the first act of a major SIN caused by a form of jealousy. Cain killed Abel as Cain was more industrious minded and Abel was more Shepard like minded and God praised Abel and Not Cain for their offerings. Read the bible as this is the first book of Genesis.

The things that make up Sin is the the things that are Satan. What happened when Adam and Eve broke Gods trust and didn't ask for redemption, Satan was set in motion with a exponential domino effect that never stopped throughout time.

We can all agree the world is severely wrong today, but we have an incredible time understanding why and not understanding how to believe in the story of Adam and Eve and build faith that God is real. It is becoming ever more difficult to see through this blindness as it grows. So do your self a favour and try to make an effort here, there is more importance to it than you may realize!

As you can imagine the world today, there is a huge amount of resistance towards Jesus for what he did for us. All kinds of views, all kind of rejection, all SIN that we live today is why we reject Jesus today. (When I say these things "we" it is on various levels. Some do more than others) As we understand our own pain and what causes it, if we understand what Jesus went through, he suffered our pain directly in his time. As you come to God and Jesus and things click, it will become apparent why the world is this way and why it makes sense. You will see Satan in it all when Sin plays out.

So what is the solution to all this? before I ever was a believer or knew God, I always said to people who would never actually agree with me and look at me crooked eye, it would take God to ever correct this world, and that mankind would never do it our selves. Read the revelation and Gods plan from the bible!

After Jesus died on the cross, rose and went off to heaven 40 days later, citizens all over the nations were becoming Christian believers from the event and the apostles spreading and teaching the Gospel. As this time it was fresh, real and people understood this. That is what makes this have accountability. The Apostles were threatened constantly and accused as well prosecuted for this. Christians to this day are prosecuted or murdered in some countries.

I have to think if something that is that good and righteous and about God that causes Christians to be constantly persecuted and in some countries murdered for Jesus, that makes the fact that it is all the more real that Jesus is real and the Holy Bible is real, when considering how to align your beliefs to what you want to follow.

But in the end, is that so bad if you are apart of the ones who are standing in Gods Kingdom? In order to make it through to his kingdom is to suffer in this life and more so by being a believer. This life is temporary, Gods glory is eternal. What do you want to go by: YOLO or YODO (You Only Die Once)

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